Friday, January 18, 2008



Hotep Beloved Family;

Sorry to burst the bubble on this one ("Obama and Oprah-Proof it Doesn't Take a Village"), but Obama DID get permission to run; only (you're right) it wasn't from the "civil rights guard." It was from the Tri-Lateral Commission, the CFR and The Bildeberger Group, who incidentally pick and choose who gets to dance in this political freak-show sometimes 10 to 20 years in advance!

And Oprah? Let's be real family. What the hell is all the excitement around this new Oprah network? What makes anyone in their right mind today think that Oprah is free to make her own 'choices', even though she now "owns" a TV network. Have IQs suddenly dropped in the 'black intellectual' community? Have we all suddenly forgotten what Bob 'sambo' Johnson did with HIS network BET?

I've heard that us-folk got short memories, but...DAMN!!

Family; Oprah's 'notwork' will be a sardonic temple to white Amazonian feminism, with the stereotypically round, black-faced 'Beulah' fronting it to give whites a sense of nostalgic southern comfort that the field-niggers are in check and all is right on the global plantation.

I guarantee that this 'nutwork' will be sponsored by every drug-pushing, genocide-backing, parasitic, low-life, product-pushing corporation of the New World Odor. And 'Harpo' will say just enough to please clueless blacks, but not enough to anger (or frighten) her employer-whites.

And isn't it perversely symbolic as well beloved family, that Oprah should call her company by the reverse of her name ...'HARPO'?! Here you have THE most popular "TALK" showhost OF ALL TIME naming her company after a hollywood character that NEVER SAID S#*T!! To me, there's a twisted irony to this because it's the quintessential "f@#k you" to black America's trust in "media-appointed black leaders" once again, because she was telling us on the down-low from jump exactly what she intended to 'say' and do for black people with her fame...NOTHING!


Family; ANYONE purporting to be SERIOUS contenders for the office of the presidency must first pass 'THE BLOOD TEST'— that is, they must be related in some way to the white ruling hierarchy of the aristocracies of Europe; and; (2) they must be initiated into, and/or have served in some way to maintain the super-structures and forward the agendas of the white supremist New World Order.

Sadly, Obama qualifies on both counts!

For the past few months (when electricity permitted) I've been reading posts written by erudite brothers and sisters giving their slant on this Orwellian dog and pony show called the 'presidential election.' Just recently one of my students asked me to elaborate onwhat I said many months ago about Obama and his intimate ties to the New World Odor. I've been somewhat reluctant because I know what "the IDEA" of an Obama has meant forthe morale of our collective diasporic family. I felt this every time I read the letters of those who TRULY BELIEVE that what they see and hear in the news or on staged "debates" is real, and not just theatre-by-politics.

But when queen-sista "Yalanda quickbuzz" sent out the post on Oprah and Obama, I decided to give the family a slight peek behind the scenes at the "Obama-drama nutwork."(ODN) It's fairly old material, but since I haven't seen it mentioned in any of the posts on Obama by the family thus far, maybe it will give some insight and stir SOME interest.

Here are some of the relevant 'tid-bits' that we clue-less, star-gazing' glad-to-see-a-black -face-doin'-ANYthing-in-America diasporic Africans know little to zilch about Barak Obama. My father always told me that if you truly wanted to know a man, listen closely to what his ENEMIES have to say about him, then weigh it all in the balance.


-His mother is a JEWISH cousin of vice-president Dick Cheney's wife Lynne Cheney... (old news right?)

But did you know that...

-His birth certificate was curiously sequestered in a high security safety-deposit box in Hawaii, presumably to hide this fact. You see, under the Laws of Halacha and the Siniatic Code (as annotated in the Talmud and represented in Deuteronomy chapter 7 of the Bible), the Doctrine of Matrilineal Descent states that the bloodline of Jewish ancestry is passed on through THE MOTHER! Ergo; if the above facts are true, then technically speaking, Barak Obama is a 'Halachic Jew'...

-His campaign has amassed a 21 million dollar slush fund. This money is tied to Texas Tejas Security, a MAJOR BACKER OF THE BUSH FAMILY! Obama is also hooked up with the Washington based Chicago law firm of Skadden Arps, as well as backed by the Chicago Mercantile and Board of Options, along with the British Company Benex, a corporation shown to have ties with the Russian mafia—all companies who funded the rise of the Neo-Con political apparatus. He's also connected to the now bankrupt energy company Gazprom, an Israeli (Mossad) operation. Thus, it appears that both Obama and Hillary are funded (on the down-low) by right wing factions of the REPUBLICAN PARTY!! ...

-Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards ALL supported and voted for THE PATRIOT ACT...

-Barak Obama is a fervent supporter of the fascist state of Israel
(sentimental maternal family ties?)...

-Both he and his father Hussein Onyago Obama worked for British Intelligence. His father was the 'bagman' for the Kenyatta government's put-down of Somali rebels (or Shiftas) in 1964, with the campaign coordinated in the field from behind the scenes by British Military advisors...

-Obama's major fundraiser is Louis B. Susman, a known Zionist and Vice-President of CITI Group. Susman had been fined on ten occasions for illegal money laundering and arms trafficking using his Global Hedge Fund. He was formerly the campaign chief for John Kerry, Bush's mentor into Skull and Bones. Another Obama Fundraiser is Chicago businessman and CIA operative Henry Crown ...

-Obama is connected to current Democratic Illinois Representative Hugo Jones. It was Jones, along with Obama fund-raiser Susman, who were alleged to have helped bribe prominant Black politicians in Illinois during the 2000 Presidential election, to suppress and/or limit the African American votes in Cook County and East St. Louis Illinois. Obama then got a kick back in campaign contributions from Susman's connections at the Sara Lee Corporation for 'looking the other way'...

-Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are both linked to a now popular Dutch company with the initials "ING". In fact, New York's own Eliot Spitzer (known Mossad agent), just helped cover up a massive scandal involving money laundering and campaign contributions being directed to both Hillary and Obama through this corporation...

-The so-called "story of his life" was conveniently written and published just before he was brought unto the world stage, where as a FRESHMAN senator he became fast-tracked as the KEYNOTE speaker at the Democratic National Convention; a warm-up debut staged by the CFR, Tri-Lateralists and Bildebergers to "legitimize" him in the eyes of white America for his current and 'surprising' run at the presidency...

-And finally; here's something else for the family to think about...


-SHERMAN SKOLNICK, a Chicago native and underground political reporter famous for dogging the tails of corrupt judges, politicians, senators, corporations, banks and the entire upper echelon of the American Aristocracy...
-one of the first reporters to courageously state (with Steve Cokely) that Mayor Harold Washington was murdered, and that the Chicago 7 trial was orchestrated by the CIA to justify increased governmental repression...
-the one who "outed" messy Jessie and his scheme to extort money from poor blacks at a housing project in Chicago...
-the one who broke the news of Dubya's homosexual relationships, especially with Knoxville Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe during his investigation of a world-wide pedophile/homosexual underground network that led right to the White House; all of which were covered in his serial articles entitled "Overthrow of the American Republic" (Part 24); a story so damaging that when a book entitled "The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty" by Kitty Kelley was published proving the claim, and members of congress began investigating in the fall of 2005, Ashe suddenly RESIGNS as mayor of Knoxville, and just as suddenly gets appointed by Bush as the U.S EMBASSADOR TO POLAND??!! ...
-and the same reporter who, just before Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention and his announcement to consider running for the office of the presidency, 'outed' him and his father's intimate connections with the SIS - British Secret Intelligence Service...suddenly DIES!!!

...isn't the timing juuust a bit curious?

Now I'm not sure what the family will make of the information related above, but one things for certain — it bears at least minimal consideration.

And I can just about predict what the nay-saying faithful will cynically conclude...those who follow the creed of Evilene's "Don't you bring me no bad News"; those 'conspiracy de-bunkers' and dyed-in-the-wool believers in the "democratic process" who'll pick this apart as "unsubstantiated rumors" put out by 'haters' and racists.

But NONE of the above information has ever been refuted or denied.In fact, it's been kept so far off the radar screens of the muck-raking sensationalist media, ya' gotta suspect that SOMEBODY with no less powers than the Prince o' Darkness himself is covering his ass BIG time.

If the family has a hard time believing this, just Google "Project Mockingbird CIA" and see what you find.

All in all I guess that no matter what you show to the public, folks are gonna believe whatever they want regardless. And therein lies the problem...too much blind faith-believin', not enough whole-brain critical thinkin'.

Just a thought family.

Forward in Light,

Bro. Valentine


Anonymous said...


Kevan said...

Very insightful. Thank you for posting this. I've passed it on to some friends, hopefully they will receive it.

Sun of Amen-RA said...


Wow! A few years ago, before I was uninitiated, I probably would have been on the Obama band wagon, knowing something was wrong, but overstanding what exactly it was. Today, I listen to our brothers and sistars converse about this political circus act, and I know they would not accept these facts that you so brilliantly have unveiled.
We need to resurrect more brothers and sistars like you Dr. V.


Anonymous said...

Its a sad state of affairs seeing our people flock to the polls and flock to the phones recruiting others.....flock to their computers sending bulk emails....following celebrity endorsements aimed at captivating the public to choose obama. Its like the three stooges and we are trying to pick the wisest one, meanwhile none of them are qualified since the government itself is a sham.
Even those who know of his family association with cheney....they still feel that his mere skin color will influence his role in office.......forgetting he's a puppet being pushed up front to soothe the masses. Under the guise of a green planet and a more ecological resolve to change the planet for the better.
Any place the 'white' race has journeyed has suffered in mind body soul spirit and land. What gets me is the environmentalists that stop me to gain a donation to help save the planet........they are crazy pushing guilt on others while not understanding that they are the main perpetraitors.
any how my resolve is not the public popular response especially from a black man. Its like not believing in jesus if one does not vote for obama...therefore i don't spread my view, theyl throw stones. the sheeple have become zealots for this man. they dont even taking the time to study his background.
anyhow just chiming in. Peace Dr.V

Unknown said...

All this could be true but I look beyond Obama and what this means for black people on a spiritual level. Please post some stuff on Mccaine because I know he's tied into some stuff to.

Anonymous said...

Peace Beloved:

Thank you for always comming with the "REAL". I am telling you, it hurts me to my soul; when I turn on my "Tell-A-Lie-Vision" and see all of the sheeple(with my people leading the herd) being taken in once again by the Jesuit Theater, that never stops.

It's a true blessing from the ancestors that we have Real Brothers like you who can school us on whats really going on. A lot of us know that something is wrong, we just don't really know where to go looking to find the answers. And beloved brother that is where you come in, bringing us the truth that is sometimes hidden from our view. I thank the ancestors everyday for you and your beautiful wife. Be Blessed Forever!!

Forever Your Pupil
Queen Khadijah

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe I found you today. I've been trying to talk people into giving me back my books and tapes of your and I stumbled upon you on youtube. I watched the beginning of the Tetragrammaton part 1 and was looking for the rest and I found your blog.

Obama rubbed me wrong the first moment I saw him. Well, all politicians rub me wrong, but this guy makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I try to get people to open their eyes, but the eyes will not see what the brain doesn't want to know. Thanks for the Google idea.

Peace & Blessings,
Allyson, Phila; PA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peace, Love, Light!

Sis. "daughter" Shabazz of Milwaukee here. I just want to say I totally agree. I am about sick and tired of explaining the same thing to my mother, brother, sister, father, etc. We continue to let ourselves be brainwashed day in and day out. I'm glad that you put this information out! It let's me know that I'm the sane one out of the bunch.


Sis. Shabazz

Anonymous said...

Oprah Winfrey is leaving ABC when her contract expires in 2011 and will continue her talk show on the new Oprah Winfrey Network called (OWN, after the first letters in her name) and it will be on cable. Oprah had previously held shares in the Oxygen channel but later sold her interests. I want certain people who've debated me about Oprah to read those key words again..."she sold her shares" just as Mr Johnson did with BET. And that's what any intelligent business person does once theyve taken their idea beyond the threshold of multiplied profit. It pisses me off when I've gotta hear people (and sadly it's usually my own black people) who say: Oprah's show is a sardonic temple to white Amazonian feminism, and that she is a black-faced 'Beulah' fronting it to give whites a sense of nostalgic southern comfort that the field-niggers are in check and all is right on the global plantation.

What would these kinds of people like to see Oprah do? Because I'm no die-hard fan of Oprah but I can repsect her intelligence and her hustle in a capitalist society like this one. How far would you have her push the envelope, she's been the trendsetter as far as television politics go, she's had some very eye-opening programs in the past and as it is with all things she has had to evolve and become more skillfully persuavive to an audience you couldn't sell a hot dog to. So you poor so called rightous teachers need to shut the fuck up because you wouldn't have a clue on how to operate and get this money, not to mention OWN a network. So unless your actually on par with this woman, building schools in Africa etc, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT'S BLACK AND WHAT'S NOT...nigga pleeeeeease! These pamphlet pushing dashiki wearing fake types piss me off, like get real!!! and stop complaining about blacks who are dealing with the forces you can't even contend with, your not even in the competition...and without skill your not even going to be relevant. At some point eventually your gonna have to either OWN something or just lay down and die an old bitter person.

Most of you would not have even gotten up to try and be the Oprah you want Oprah to be, and when you see blacks consorting with the likes of those you love to hate, mainly rich white people - you scream SELLOUT at the first sight. It's selling out when you won't do what it takes to make history so that through your works the way could be paved for your own people. Oprah may not be what some people would like her to be, but she's exactly who she wants to be and I can see the genuis in all of what she does WHILE YOU DO NOTHING which is also evident. The Hebrews were once such a people wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and many of the older ones died before they could see a promised land because "a generation that isnt concieved in freedom will always have a slave mentality and will thus not be suited for independent thinking in a new land". Blacks who are still the victims of a slave mentality will rebuke the slave they see consorting with the slave master, even when they may not know what that slave's intentions are.

Show us the Oprah you want to see, until then let Oprah be.

Anonymous said...

To the previous writer, my prayers are with you. The confusion I see amongst our people is to be expected, but still we must rise above such a mindset. I am encouraged that you are offended, that means there is still more to come in terms of YOUR and OUR personal growth.

Peace and Love

alicia banks said...


i love your blog!

alicia banks

Anonymous said...

Greetings....this insightful and truthful blog is further confirmation to me that this Obama is just another part of the Club- the smiling face of the NWO, that the elite needed in contrast to the out and out thuggery of Bush...and it's a sobering thought to see the amount of people rallying around whom you thought were much more informed and aware. Many thanks.


Very accurate depiction of the facts. I say the facts because truth is in the mind of the beholder but facts are verifiable and substantiating in that they leave minimal room for error in the mind when computing these waves of information. I accept your transmission of the facts and I like how you arranged them in a way that leaves the mind to then ponder even further as to why these facts have never been confrimed or mentioned by the the media. For those of us who follow the conventional wisdom that the media reports accurate news. There is also the underlining suggestion that the media is another method of control. I can't lie though, I was tempted by the allure of feeling somewhat proud to have a person of color in the white house. Because I'd like to think that Obama becoming the president will somehow send the frequency, symbolically, to young black americans that they are capable to become great thinkers as well as entertainers. I am also somewhat under the dillusion that obama will feel somewhat obligated to his black constituants and will be allowed by his puppet masters to make some progressive changes that can assist us as black people in the struggle. Just the fact that he is a liberal democrat suggests that some policy changes must be allowed that will in the least ease the economic pressure we were under during the bush administration. Nevertheless, we must come to the realization that no one is allowed to reach such heights as the president of the slave world without being tied to or related to certain elitist groups.

Peace and Love - Lakatji

Anonymous said...

Great piece Dr. Valentine. I had been suspicious of Obama ever since I learned of him being a CFR guy. I have learned many, to say the least, "troubling" things about him as you have as well, and when I try to present it to the "obama zombies", they refuse to even acknowlegde it. I truly feel sorry for these people who suddenly think we will be ushered into some "utopia" under this latest puppet regime. We are in a lot of trouble and most do not realize it because they are too busy shouting "change" and "yes we can"! I got over the whole "historic" factor long ago because I knew this was a staged production( technically he is not the first President with African bllod anyway).If you thought the last 8 years was bad , you haven't seen anything yet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dr. Valentine for some very insightful info that opens the gateway to critical research, I LUV IT!!! I am a laywoman in education and use experience and histortical artifacts and documentations for and I quote "ghetto scholarship" or as I like to refer to MYSELF as a Harriet Tugman Sistah Soulja ever attending "SWU = Side-Walk University" via way of the underground railroad all stops must final distination must be "Mama Afrika" or I don't get on, I am forever riding to join with my people whether spiritually, mentually or guerilla style, we are one though melinan and mind, Peace Honorable Dr. Phil Valentine, THANKS once again, Afrikans Unite!

Dr. Valentine said...

I thank all of you wonderful, beautiful brothers and sisters for responding to my blog, whether in agreement with me or not. I love you all because you are my people, my family, my psycho-spiritual life essence.
Keep talking to to each other...keep building, but most of all, be "open" and keep receiving.

Dr. Valentine said...

I thank all of you wonderful, beautiful brothers and sisters for responding to my blog, whether in agreement with me or not. I love you all because you are my people, my family, my psycho-spiritual life essence.
Keep talking to to each other...keep building, but most of all, be "open" and keep receiving.

Unknown said...

hello Dr.phil,
i would first like to say thank you and peace love and light! thanks for you helping black people to wake up at this important time that we are now in. without a light to show us we would truely be lost,...well here goes..
Im writing you, because i found your videos in youtube quiet eye-opening and inspiring, I've studied them playing them over and over.
sometimes one has to do this, For it to sink in.
i was in the youtube and saw your vedeo about the year 2012, i think it was pt 2 4 you were talking about the dark matter void, NYT and you had a picture of the milkyway and you were saying that NYT was the vault of heaven and the keeper of a thousand souls.well there was something i couldn't see the whole screen ,because there was this trial version there right in the middle of it. so i had to keep stopping the videos and by looking i saw this picture of NYT that you were comparing to the casia tree.but my question is did you ,notice that it was cat face nyt in the picture of the milky way? and then you spoke later about the son and there i could see the son with his left arm or paw since he is coming from the goddes NYT who looks is depicted as such, and there i saw an image of the cat and and the son in the milky way. amazing!
also when you were speaking about the bees i found very interesting i saw that you had this picture of the electro-sephragramm,i think its spelled...well there was also something there i noticed. i call it depicting the masculine anf femin principles in us ,of the sympathethic and the para-sympathethic nervous system, there i noticed the two figures comming together at the top kissing! that was amazin but you didn't speak on it ,but i saw it and i just want to know if you saw it?? i woul like to know how i can purchase it so i can find out more....peace out ! once again thank you you your light bringing here to us all ! more peace and light and love! indigoix

Dr Valentine said...

Very observant and insightful of you 'Fenwickh'. Thank you for being so attentive. I'll have to take a look at what you saw...

Anonymous said...

What can I say Dr. Valentine. Amidst all of this Obama hysteria and Euphoria, especially among blacks, must reign some common sense and logical thinking. I am happy and pleased to see your contribution to this to this goal.

Anonymous said...

Amidst all of the hysteria and Euphoria over the election of Obama, especially among blacks, it is refreshing to see some common sense prevail at least among a few of us. Thanks for this post. It is good to know I am not alone.

Dr. Valentine said...


You're most welcome...

Anonymous said...

"We already know of the suppressed historical data
concerning black antiquities right here in the Americas
that even pre-date Africa's and India's most ancient
legacies; antiquities not yet given their proper place
within the scholarship and annals of 'black' history."

Please advise on research material on "black antiquities" in America that pre-date Africa's and India's legacies.

Continue to Educate!

Dr. Valentine said...

I would first recommend a rare and important work entitled "When Rocks Cry Out" by Horace Butler. And of course there's "They Came Before Columbus" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, and "Anacalypsis" by Sir Godfrey Higgins...

These are good places to start...

James Pitts said...

The incredible thing concerning the so called Barak Obama phenomenon is not what is demonstrated by him but us. Although we voted greater than 98% for this man as a voting block he has refused to address our problems even on the most minimal basis(highest umemployment rate, highest high school drop out rate, highest incarceration rate and the highest youth dying on the street rate). Yet the problems that affect this particular group if tied to any other group in america would be consider a national emergency and call for a direct act of congress.I take that back he did speak on behalf of his mayor friend in Chicago concering their gang problem. As usual we sit patiently by becoming very upset with anyone within the ranks who speak the truth about the man. I must give the forces who constructed this strategy credit, for since his presidency the words reparation and affirmative action have beed eliminated from the english vocabulary. BUT be patient brothers and sisters I'm sure that our pie in the sky is right around the corner.

Anonymous said...

The most amazing aspect concernig the Barak Obama phenomenon is less about him and much more about what we think about ourselves as people of color. Though we voted overwhelmingly greater than 98% as a voting block, we are yet to see any benefits for our efforts other than the warm fuzzy feeling of having a so called African American as president. While the other special interest groups have been making history changing advancements such as don't ask don't tell, federal protection from violence, the dream act, relaxed deportatoin, decrease taxes on the wealthy and vast contracts for the military industrial complex, we sit idly by as we are being eliminated by the highest incarceration, unemployment,high school drop out rate, and death on city streets in the history of America. If this was occuring with any other social group it would be regarded as discrimination and an act from congress would be demanded. The powers that be have been very affective at eliminating the words affirmative action and reparations from the discourse while a so called African American is in the white house. Yet while we patientl wait for the proverbial pie in the sky.

Dr. Valentine said...

Beloved Family:
Before I begin commenting on the interesting posts contributed to this forum over the past few months, I would like to post the following for those who have been inquiring about discounts for my book "The Wounded Womb".

Please note: The discount period has been extended to January 31st, 2012!! You can now get 25% off your purchase of "THE WOUNDED WOMB". Simply log on to:
Enter Coupon Code: "LULUBOOK305" when you check out.
Thank you for all the wonderful responses from those who've read "The Wounded Womb", and are now recommending it to college students, friends and family members alike. Love and Light...

necho said...

thank u mi bredda but people shuld know by now these are faulse leaders that are making worst for the world and there should be world peace in place long time dose the knowledge of their corruption get rid of them?

lisa said...

Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr Emmanuel  a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr Emmanuel sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Emmanuel who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Emmanuel because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr Emmanuel through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348140033827 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.